Re-Post: Breastfeeding: The (Hard) Truth

In honor of World Breastfeeding Week I’m reposting this, originally written in May. It was so good for me, personally, to write and I received some great feedback as well.

When I had my first baby nearly 9 years ago, I knew I wanted to breastfeed her. I knew nutritionally that it was the best option and let’s be honest, it’s free. What I didn’t know was how hard it was going to be, physically and emotionally.

I’m now nursing my third child and am reminded (again) of the truth about breastfeeding: It. Is. Hard.

And no one tells you so.

I think no one tells you how hard it is because they don’t want to scare you away from trying. For some people, this may be the case. For me, knowledge is power. And knowing what to expect, and that MANY others go through the EXACT same thing, is beneficial to me. And keeps me going.

So I’m laying it on the table. I’m telling you the truth about my breastfeeding experience. I hope it gives you the strength and confidence to try breastfeeding and keep with it.

  • Nursing is natural. It’s how God made our bodies. BUT, it doesn’t feel natural at first. Having a baby suck on your boob for the first time is weird. Sorry, but it’s just an odd feeling. And…
  • Let’s face it. Your boobs are big. (Even little boobs are big when you’re pregnant and even bigger when your milk comes in.) And your precious little baby’s mouth is not. It takes a ton of practice to make sure your baby opens his mouth big and wide before latching on. The bigger the mouthful, the less it…
  • Hurts. When your milk comes in a couple days after delivery, it will hurt. Your boobs will be engorged (filled with your baby’s yummy milk) and when baby nurses and your milk lets down? Well, breathe. Don’t hold your breath. Breathe through it. And relax your shoulders. I’m pretty sure that letting down during the first few weeks is one of the most uncomfortable things I’ve experienced. When your milk regulates and you aren’t engorged, it’s not painful. You just have to get through those first few weeks.
  • Use lanolin. Religiously. Starting after the first time you nurse until your nipples are used to the action they’re getting. It’s like chapstick for your nipples. Believe me. It’s a lifesaver.
  • Don’t stand facing the shower without first covering your nipples for the first few weeks. It seems silly, but your nipples are tender and shower heads are not friendly during this time.
  • But, warm showers are great when you feel tired and your breasts are engorged. Stand facing the shower with your nipples covered and let the water gently massage your breasts.
  • It is okay to fall asleep while nursing your baby. I promise you that if you lean your head back and close your eyes in the rocker while nursing, you will not drop your baby if you fall asleep. I have woken up an hour later in the exact same position with baby still latched on (or not).
  • A tip if you don’t like nursing pads: When you start to let down, press on your nipple and you won’t leak 9 out of 10 times. I don’t know why this works, but my mom told me this trick with my 2nd and it works like a charm. (I guess it’s something you learn after working in women’s health for so long.)
  • Pump. If your baby sleeps through the night, pump in the morning so you’re not full of milk and leaking endlessly. If you leave baby with Dad or a sitter, don’t miss a feeding. Pump when you can (before and/or after you leave) so your body doesn’t make less milk. If you don’t want to buy a pump, borrow a friend’s or rent one.
  • I only nursed on one side at each feeding for all three of my kids. I think it gives the other breast more time to recoup before nursing again. All of my kids were nourished and grew perfectly fine. (And there’s plenty of research that supports this way as another breastfeeding option.)
  • TALK about any problems/concerns you might be having. Call a lactation consultant – all hospitals have one and your doctor can recommend one also. Call a friend who has breastfed a baby. I’m always available. And willing. It will help – maybe you have a problem that your friend has an answer for. And if not? At least you have a friend who will listen. It’s amazing how much that will do for your soul.
  • Breastfeeding is a commitment. A big one. But so worth it.

Remember, not all babies nurse easily. Not all women produce milk easily. Don’t take it personally. YOU HAVE NOT FAILED. There is a reason that formula was invented. You need to be the best mom you can be. And if nursing is stressing you out to a point that’s not healthy and you feel you’ve exhausted all options, IT’S OKAY. Stop breastfeeding. Your baby will love you just as much.

Please, add to my list if you have another suggestion or tip. The more, the merrier the breastfeeding mom will be. 🙂

About Katie White

believer. wife. mom. friend. life in transition.
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5 Responses to Re-Post: Breastfeeding: The (Hard) Truth

  1. punkinmama says:

    Excellent post! I agree with you that it’s more helpful to talk about it honestly than to keep it a secret!

  2. Deb Baresic says:

    I’m proud of you, Mama, for doing the best thing for your babies! Luv ya

  3. tamara! says:

    Good tip about facing away from the shower head – ouch, I remember those days! I would add that new moms should find a Le Leche League group if they can. Having a supportive community can be such a life saver, especially in those first few months.

  4. Louise says:

    I am a very sensitive person – a bit of a wuss if you will. And I avoid pain like a vampire avoids sun but with my LO I was determine to breastfeed. This is what helped me with discomfort:
    1. Use breastmilk to heal your nipples – after a feed rub it on your nipples and air dry. I never had to use lanolin because the hind milk has awesome healing properties (a crack would be healed between feeds!!)
    2. Walk around topless – at home I went without clothing on my top half for the first 8weeks and still do when we dont have visitors. The constant fresh air on the nipples was heaven. And hubby would like to add that he didn’t mind either 🙂

    Getting through those first few weeks and coming out the other side is so worth it! I am so grateful I did it and I hope my tips can help other mums too!!

    Thank you for a great post – it would be great if all new mums could read it!!

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